Thanks to the internet, you can research your family history from your armchair with a computer nowadays. These are sources and charts I have found to be helpful.
Every time you glean new information about your family (through interviews, census reports, etc.) you will want to record it in an organized, searchable format. The two charts most used for family historians are the Pedigree Chart and the Family Group Sheet. These are free templates if you are a paper person.
Interactive Ancestor pedigree chart - for computer use, type in details to save or print.
Free Pedigree chart - print and fill in blanks with pencil! You will erase, believe me.
Family Group Sheet - use to record the families of your ancestors, so you know siblings’ names.
Computer programs for genealogy are plentiful and faster to search and update. These are widely used:
Family Tree Maker - a software program by so swaps info with that website freely. - free download of genealogy builder, of course has a premier paid version. - This research and interactive site has copies of most major census records, state and federal. I joined recently for $22.95 per month thinking to cancel once I found what I was looking for. Warning: this site can be every bit as addictive as Angry Birds. I have yet to cancel.
When you want to save “soft” artifacts such as paper or fabric, you will want to allow breathing to combat wetness and avoid acidic containers.
These are two sources of archival boxes:
The Container Store - archival boxes for letters , photos, ornaments, garments.
Family Archives - you name it, they have a box for it!
Gaylord - supplies boxes for library collections
Have fun cataloging your family treasures and stories!