One positive result of the economic downturn in the U.S. (and around the world) is that you and I are more thoughtful about purchases. We are stopping to think, “Do I need that?”
We also are not as quick to just throw things in the trash. Often someone else can use that item, or the materials can be reclaimed and used again. More people are using these options to avoid loading up the garbage can: sell, donate and recycle.
I’ve listed a few resources in each category just to get your brain juices flowing. Choose the reuse option that resonates with you – you will be more likely to carry through with your intention that way!
[NOTE: A few of these resources are specific to the Columbus, OH area. Look for similar outlets where you are.]
SELL - Outlets that will purchase your used items.
One More Time - men’s and women’s clothing, purses, accessories
Clothes Mentor - women’s clothing and accessories
New Uses - household décor, small appliances, linens, gift items, limited furniture.
ReTag It - electronics, furniture, tools, medical gadgets, sports equipment.
Gadget Ease - electronics, photography, media, home entertainment, computers.
DONATE - Charitable giving with tax deduction.
Dress For Success - empowerment books, pro clothing, accessories, cosmetics
Salvation Army - cars, clothing, furniture, household goods,
Good Will - new or gently used items: clothing, appliances, electronics and furniture
Furniture Bank of Central Ohio - furniture, appliances
RECYCLE Earth 911 - recycling centers by zip code
The Waste Not Center - supplies for teachers, artists
Soles4Souls - shoes

Click Here to find how you can get a discount at Macy’s AND Give the gift of 5 PAIRS of Shoes!
I’m sure you can add to this list. The Ohio Chapter of NAPO has compiled a list of Reuse and Recycle options that we organizers use with our clients. As an O4L reader, I would be happy to email you that resource.