Every other month, central Ohio organizers meet for encouragement and to sharpen our craft. At our January NAPO-Ohio meeting, we invited Kat Ellery of Goodwill Columbus to tell us more about what her organization does with donated items.
I knew the gist of the mission was to help the disabled. Goodwill’s stated purpose is more profound:
“Building INDEPENDENCE, QUALITY of LIFE, and WORK opportunities for individuals with disabilities and other barriers.”
The latest stats point to Goodwill’s continued success. In 2011, 1241 individuals received job training, 543 were provided wage opportunities and 205 persons were placed in competitive employment.
In order to provide services, Goodwill receives donations to sell or recycle. In other words, this organization is a GREEN dream! The amount of raw goods recycled in 2011are staggering.
- 997,184 lbs. of metal recycled
- 889,000 lbs. of wood recycled
- 347,517 lbs. of plastic recycled
Kat was rather surprised at our specific questions and comments. We organizers want to see the extra “stuff” our clients are willing to part with go to a good cause.
What I learned was that some of the “stuff” I had considered good only for the land fill would actually be stripped down and sent to recycling. These are a few examples:
- Non-functioning strings of Christmas lights – the copper is reclaimed (and a job provided)
- Broken furniture, small pieces of wood – wood recycled
- Old cassette and VCR tapes – plastic recycled
- Plastic hangers – plastic recycled
- The wires you have no idea what they do to – copper reclaimed
- Old computers – broken into component parts, partnering with Dell to recycle NO NEED TO SCRUB INFO.

In other words, if you don’t need it and you don’t think anyone else can use it – GIVE IT TO GOODWILL!
For larger items and pick up, Goodwill suggests these organizations in Franklin County:
Remodeling/Construction materials - Habitat for Humanity of Central Ohio, 614-RESTORE
Mattress/Box Spring - Salvation Army in Central Ohio, 614-221-4269
Food, personal care items - Mid-Ohio Food Bank, 614-274-7770
Large appiances – Mattress/Box spring - Furniture Bank, 614-272-9544
Large freezer/Refrigerator - AEP Ohio Recycling Program, 877-545-4112
I love it when a plan comes together and we all work together to help others, don’t you?